5 Lies that women tell me
5 Lies that women tell men(Thinkstock photos/Getty Images) Here's a little help for men to figure out when their gal isn't being completely honest with them. Our tips help to decode female behaviour... Though a recent study claims that a woman's face is like an open book that reveals her state of mind, but men need to beware! Better not take it as the last verdict, for irrespective of how much you trust and adore your little angel, women do lie to their significant others at times. Sometimes to carry off a situation without hurting his feelings or to save herself from trouble, while on occasions to contain her emotions and pose as Ms. Goody...popping casual, white lies is no big deal for women when it comes to playing it safe in the relationship. White lies are no big blunders or massive betrayals, but small lies or 'truth manipulated' to handle a situation. At times she might fib to make her man feel better, to avoid a fight, or an embarrassing s...