Check even what you get from your bank post verification - SBIN0003245
Dear All, This is just a way that banks brings up frauds and later blame it on mischievous people, I, Irfan Alavi holder of a current & Savings account in SBI Sarai Khwaja Faridabad SBIN0003245 lost my debit card in July 2015 and since then have made 5 Applications to the bank for the debit card, now today(30-04-2016) when I visited the branch and was told to look in their register I saw a name Irfan Aali written in very poor handwriting and hard to read, Approached the cashier lady and she took out a packet, verified my credentials with account number Aadhar Card & Company ID Card handed me the packet and asked me to collect pin, the same verification process was repeated by counter#9 Mr Chandan and after proper verification(as they call it) I was finally given the pin envelope. Wow I had accomplished the impossible and got my debit card & pin from a Government Bank...excited I was. Then I opened the card only to feel that my name is misprinted as Irfan Ali, Oki...