
Showing posts from March 10, 2013

11 Surprising Uses for Honey

11 Surprising Uses for Honey It's often said that the famed ancient beauty Cleopatra would soak in honey and milk baths. Well, whether or not that's true, it's certainly not surprising that the story has persisted for so long — honey has a tremendous effect on the skin. And that's not all — honey is a powerful antiseptic and a fantastic natural sugar substitute. Click through for these and more alternative uses for honey. 1. Relieve Hangovers. Had a little too much fun last night? A few tablespoons of honey, which is packed with fructose, will help speed up your body's metabolism of alcohol. 2. Heal Wounds, Cuts, Scrapes & Burns. Don't reach for the Neosporin the next time you cut or burn yourself — simply apply honey to the affected area. Honey works as a natural antiseptic. 3. Soothe Sore Throats and Coughs. Combine honey with the juice of one lemon and drink. It works like a wonder! 4. Remove Parasites. Hopefully you'll never have to use ...

O Husna Meri Ye To Bata Do.... By Piyush -- MP3

O Husna Meri Ye To Bata Do.... By Piyush -- MP3 Liked it as well, hope you enjoy..... Listen to It Like It, Download It,

Learning English - O-Z - Spellings

Some more common wrongly spelled english spellings obation  ovation obay  obey obleek  oblique oblisk  obelisk ocapella  a cappella occassion  occasion occation  occasion occured  occurred occurrance  occurrence occurence  occurrence occuring  occurring ocilate  oscillate octive  octave odessy  odyssey offen  often offically  officially offisianado  aficionado omage  homage omlet  omelet omnishints  omniscience onomonopea  onomatopoeia opayk  opaque opinyon  opinion oportunity  opportunity orangatang  orangutan orcestrate  orchestrate orderves  hors d'oeuvre oregeno  oregano oricle  oracle orkid  orchid oscilliscope  oscilloscope ostridge  ostrich osterage  ostrich overwelm  overwhelm oxzillary  auxiliary pajent  pageant paradime  paradigm paradym  paradigm parafanalia  paraphernalia paralell...

Learning English - Spelling Errors - A-N

Some Commonly Mispelled words in English with their correct spellings Austrailia  Australia Checkoslovakia  Czechoslovakia Conneticut  Connecticut Febewary  February Presbaterian  Presbyterian Tootonic  Teutonic Tusday  Tuesday Wendsday  Wednesday abanden  abandon abizmal  abysmal abriviate  abbreviate abscound  abscond absorbant  absorbent absorbtion  absorption abstanence  abstinence abundence  abundance abundent  abundant acatemy  academy acceptence  acceptance acceptible  acceptable acceptibly  acceptably accessable  accessible accidently  accidentally accomidate  accommodate accross  across accually  actually acheeve  achieve acknowledgement  acknowledgment acoostic  acoustic acqueus  aqueous acquiess  acquiesce acrost  across acryllic  acrylic acter  actor adament  adamant...