
Showing posts from March 17, 2013

10 Amazing Facts about Colors

10 Amazing Facts about Colors It’s in everything we touch, taste, smell, and feel. It evokes emotion without asking for prior thought. It can be the focus of our careers, the way we live, the choices we make, and the fun we have. We are all familiar with color and its basic concepts, but did you know…?? 10.  Men and women see the color red very differently While those of us who are estrogen producers tend to see maroon, cardinal, and crimson, men typically just see red. No varying tones, hues, or shades–just color-crayon, fire engine red. The explanation is actually quite simple and all falls back on basic DNA. Researchers from Arizona State University found that there’s a specific gene that allows us to see and interpret the color red. Women have two X chromosomes, while men only possess one. Because the particular “red-seeing gene” sits on the X chromosome, it only makes sense that women would have a full understanding of the red spectrum, while our counterpa...

Interesting Facts About the Sun

Interesting Facts About the Sun Think you know everything there is to know about the Sun? Think again. Here are 10 interesting facts about the Sun, collected in no particular order. Some you might already know, and others will be totally new to you. Interesting facts after the break... 1. The Sun is the Solar System. We live on the planet, so we think it's an equal member of the Solar System. But that couldn't be further from the truth. The reality is that the mass of the Sun accounts for 99.8% of the mass of the Solar System. And most of that final 0.2% comes from Jupiter. So the mass of the Earth is a fraction of a fraction of the mass of the Solar System. Really, we barely exist. 2. And the Sun is mostly hydrogen and helium. If you could take apart the Sun and pile up its different elements, you'd find that 74% of its mass comes from hydrogen. with 24% helium. The remaining 2% is includes trace amounts of iron, nickel, oxygen, and all the oth...

20 facts about McDonald's

20 facts about McDonald's 01.  In 1970, Americans spent on this meal $ 6 billion a year in 2001 - more than 110 billion is larger than for higher education, computers, cars. More than books, movies, magazines, newspapers, videos and music - together.   02.  The average American eats three hamburgers and four servings of potatoes every week.  03.  One in eight U.S. workers had worked in the "McDonald's."   04.  "McDonald's" consumption of pork, beef and potatoes, more than anyone else in the U.S., chicken - a little less than fast food "Kentucky Chicken frayed." 05.  Especially for the "McDonald's" breed of chickens bred with huge breasts, "Mr. MD." Of white breast meat is a popular dish on the menu, "Chicken McNuggets." It changed the whole industry production of chicken meat. The chicken was sold not as a whole as 20 years ago, and cut into pieces. 06.  Golden a...

20 Facts You Probably Haven’t Heard Of

20 Facts You Probably Haven’t Heard Of