Tired of your paunch bringing you down?
Tips to ditch beer belly and get ribbed (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images) Tired of your paunch bringing you down? Here is how you can turn your beer belly into six-pack abs Those who think they don't have time for exercise, it is said, will sooner or later have to find time for illness. For men today, piling on the kilos without squeezing in any exercise routine in a hectic work schedule has meant indiscriminate weight gain and growing obese, which heightens the risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer among other fatal ailments. So why not follow the example of once-tubby male celebrities such as Sidhartha Mallya, who fought their fat and toned their body. In fact, when it comes to losing weight, men have a clear head start over women because of men's higher testosterone levels that help burn more calories and build more muscle — even when resting. Here is how to get started and target some of the key male body blackspots: Double chin A chubby jaw and jowls is a s...