How to Tackle Personal Branding When You're an Introvert
I had just finished a talk at a leading technology company when an engineer approached me. "I liked your ideas about personal branding, and I can see how they'd work," he told me. "But most of them aren't for me-I'm an introvert. Is there anything I can do?" What he didn't realize is that (like an estimated one-third to one-half of the population) I'm one, too. This post originally appeared on Harvard Business Review. Despite the common misperception that all introverts are shy, and vice versa, they're two very different phenomena. (Author and introversion expert Susan Cain defines shyness as "the fear of negative judgment," while introversion is "a preference for quiet, minimally stimulating environments.") I actually like giving talks to large groups (that day, there were 180 people in the room and another 325 watching online). I'm happy to mingle and answer questions afterward. But at a certain point, I've ...