Top 5 myths about marriage
Top 5 myths about marriage (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images) Marriage is often seen as fix-all - dreamy singles think it will make them happy, restless men and women think it will make them feel complete. We take apart the five most popular cons that mar marriage. I won't be lonely Being lonely or having company has nothing to do with getting married. Many loners remain so even after marriage. A long-suffering woman shared her woes, she said that though she was married, she was always lonely. "I never felt that we shared anything. When I spoke, he heard but never listened. On holidays, I never felt that we were together." Those who are lonely and feel that marriage will be a solution, need to analyse and identify what they are feeling. Anytime sex Sexual desire and frequency is dependent on libido, compatibility and the acceptance of the word 'sex' among both partners. Many partners, who have a deep-seated resentment for each other and are constantly bic...