How to recover deleted photos from a memory card / hard disk
The modern age is epitomised by our daily consumption and creation of digital content. If that includes photos, videos and software, then the question of storage arises - to keep the stuff you want to save. While the ever-burgeoning and wallet-breaking demands for more and more storage - to keep all the content we want for posterity or easy-access - are not to be ignored, here we concentrate on how to deal with the possibility of data loss, a fate that some would liken to a mugging or even a lobotomy. An example of such a painful situation, is the loss of photos from the now-ubiquitous form of flash storage - the SD card, which we all use on our cameras or mobile phones (in the smaller microSD card form). This article may be a lifesaver for those readers who have managed to accidentally delete their SD card data, or been the victim of the not-as-uncommon-as-we-would-like SD card corruptions. This is actually not a very big deal, and there are a lot of useful tools online. The Web...