The story of a Mother's curse...
The story of a Mother's curse... Recently, I visited a friend's father in an old age home. There I met a lady, around 74 years of age, who reminded me of my own mother. I introduced myself. We talked for a few minutes. Then, without any provocation, she started cursing her son & daughter. "Uday, you have come to see your friend's father. But my children, those %@#%$, never cared for me. They ditched me here like an ugly decayed old dog...", she was cursing & shouting so loud. And the beauty of the words she used, would create envy even among parliamentarians in India. I have never ever heard such gutter adjectives that she used, to address her son & daughter - horrible! I could imagine her pain, anger, hatred & alienation. I understood that her son was an engineer & daughter, a medical doctor. They had never come to see her & she was living only on her pension. "Please don’t curse your children, mother..." I said. ...