Baking soda for your skin
Baking soda for your skin Never heard baking soda and skin care being mentioned in the same sentence? Baking soda is known for being a staple in the kitchen but it's also one of the most useful and not to mention inexpensive ingredients around when it comes to DIY skin care! Grab a box of baking soda from your kitchen and get ready to see some big changes courtesy these baking soda beauty fixes! Face wash Make a thick paste out of two teaspoons baking soda and one teaspoon warm water. Wash your face with water and apply the mixture that you have prepared in gentle circular strokes. Rinse off the mixture with warm water. Exfoliate Baking soda makes for an excellent as well as gentle exfoliator. Add one teaspoon of baking soda to your cleanser and massage face gently to slough off dead skin cells. If you have oily skin, you can add one-teaspoon baking soda to two tablespoons of uncooked oats. Mix this with water and scrub your face and skin in circular motions gently....