Open Relations - Live In Relations - Satyamev Jayate

Please be updated that this is NOT the website for Satyamev Jayate, this is my personal Blog, what is expressed here is my personal opinion

This is dedicated to Satyamev Jayate Episode 11 , broadcasted 15-Jul-2012, indeed a heart touching episode, an episode about the elderly where it is revealed for the parents who put in heir lives for us and what are we doing, once again the loneliness issue, once again the respect issue, once again parents being forgotten by their children,
We all know that we humans are generically extremely social animals and are also meant to live with companions and partners, for the reasons of sharing, which include physical intimacy but not limited to sexual desires, a touch is physical in nature but I wont rate it sexual, anyways, when you are alone everything around has a different meaning, especially as the age grows, to start with you start to enjoy the solace, the peace and the freedom but again being an extremely social animal, the feeling of loneliness does start setting in and starts haywireness, some get in alcohol or drugs or such crap, these things dont kill loneliness but at times may lead to stages of depression leading to extremely dangerous uncontrollable situations like that of suicide and further more leading a person to loss of interest in life and develop suicidal tendencies.

Yesterdays episode of Satyamev Jayate was dedicated to the elderly who have for some reasons lost their mate, for natural reasons or whatever, what matters is the loss and not the reasons, and truly the actual reason why remarriage is opposed is LEGAL shit, another heir????? what happens to the property and all that shit, hey mate, leave all that alone, first its the lonelines thats succumbing who wants to care about anything else, its just one life that we have here why cant we simply live it up and live life kingsize, I know the loss of a mate can never be replaced but whatever best can be done should be done, leave alone re-marriage and legal stuff, I believe and I strongly do believe that if two sane and adult individuals believe that they are compatible and wish to be together, they should, why the hell wait just do it mate, dont loose on the precious time, every moment counts, what will "they" say ???? wats "they"

But again, these are my blogs and what I write is just me, if you like it share it, otherwise its just another page online,

Again I would say, Loneliness is the worst thing a human can get into and no matter what age one should stay away from this curse and no matter what steps and measures may be required to remove this curse they should be taken, for I believe in spreading the smile......

Yet again for Life goes on and on................


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