Stillness of the soul
Stillness of the soul, no conversation, no thoughts, no contemplation
There is no past, no future; there is just you and me
No gain, no lost, completely filled in this moment
Will you sit still with me?
Will you listen to the universe quiet whisper?
Of a new dawn on the verge of the ocean
Shivering in the darkness before the sunlight wake up all being
Will you sink down into the bottom of the sea?
And disappear with me, to become one with the universe
To go back to where we belong, speckles of sand
Naked, raw, collided
Dizzying in the ebb and flow of life
I am standing here; once again I see the sunrise
Hands folded close to my heart
Listened to the voice of the sky
Everything I need to hear, to not stray far away
From my truth, your truth
I meant to be here, right here with you, this moment!
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