The Story Continues -- Bindh ki Bindhni...

In continuation of the running storyline wherein the gal has been waiting waiting and waiting for the wait does seem to end and yet as he went off to Rajasthan and yet again without telling the gal, for she waited yet as ever patient and preaching the level of patience to others and got no result for she waited, she waited and waited for no response yet came her way.

The sun rose and then dawned and the moon rose and the cycle continued, the clock raced for she waited for a never ending wait, said she that she called repeatedly for the phone to be off and the Rajasthani Folk Tunes to be played, yet again to say that the guy is not contactable, for she said that messages that she said perhaps a dozen messages that she sent were not even delivered till she waited fore her phone was snatched, yet the messages continued and they awaited delivery and showed status undelivered, but again her patience was amazing and her wait continued, but again she missed no chance to blush as she was referred to as "Mrs S** " and no ways did she miss out a chance to grab a news or anything about that deserted state called Rajasthan.

Yet again as time rolled and the gal also decided to go outing to take her head off but again she realized that no matter what she attempts she is engrossed, completely engrossed onto her guy, for she dreams atleast twice daily of the guy, for the guy and just the guy, engrossed and this is how I guess it is defined.....
The gal goes off for a leave ..............


The story continues...


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