
The vast sea my mind
The lost breeze my soul
Life isn’t playing a fair game
Every time it commits a foul
Blowing away like the loose sand
On the shores of the less trodden beach
I wander around like the nomad
And to the lost land again i reach
Like the dew drop about to fall
From the edge of that leaf
A softer ground to soak me up
Or a open oyster do i seek
Chaos and confusion with me move round and round
Make me dizzy after the play
I think i know what i want
But am confused once i start to say
Feelings thoughts i do write 
To show what i really am
Inside a volcano but a scared one
Outside i look calm
To take the path less walked 
Or to follow the one already walked upon
I close my eyes and point my fingers on one
And just listen to none
The tears now running dry 
As the thought is in the make
I want to be their up and above
Not for me, but for her sake.


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