9 Weirdest Home Remedies That Actually Work
9 Weirdest Home Remedies That Actually Work
1) Listerine cures toenail fungus
Soaking your feet in Listerine mouthwash for 15-20 minutes, twice a day,
will cure most cases of toenail fungus. Listerine contains antiseptic and
disinfectant ingredients; it has been used for everything from curing
gonorrhea to cleaning floors.
Listerine is also good for curing blisters (dab onto blister 2-3 times per
day to dry it out), and dandruff.
2) Yogurt cures bad breath
Studies have shown that live bacteria in sugar free yogurt can suppress
levels of bad breath-causing bacteria. If the bad bacteria can't survive,
your breath smells sweeter.
3) Olive oil cures Eczema
Olive oil is rich in vitamin E, so it's a great skin moisturizer. Apply
extra virgin, unrefined olive oil to your skin after showering, while your
skin is still damp. The olive oil seals in moisture and helps soothe
painful Eczema flair-ups.
4) Sugar stops the hiccups
Hiccups are annoying, but now you can stop them within one minute simply by
swallowing a teaspoon full of dry sugar. Experts believe that the sudden
sweetness on the tongue overloads the nerve endings in the mouth and stops
the hiccup spasm.
5) Chewing peppermint or cinnamon gum eases commuting stress
Studies have shown that chewing peppermint or cinnamon gum increases
awareness and reduces fatigue by as much as 20%. Test subjects
reported 25%
less frustration and 30% increased alertness. The drive also seemed 30%
shorter for those who chewed the gum, versus those who did not.
6) Biting on a pencil cures headaches
Tension headaches can often arise from unconsciously clenching your jaw.
Gently holding a pencil between your teeth forces your jaw muscles to
relax, easing your headache.
7) Vodka cures stinky feet
Wipe your feet with a Vodka-soaked rag to eliminate foot odor. Vodka
contains alcohol, an antiseptic that is very drying. Alcohol destroys
odor-causing fungus and bacteria and dries out the moisture that lets these
organisms grow.
8) Olives and lemons cure sea sickness
Motion sickness causes excess saliva, which can make you queasy. Eating
olives or sucking on a lemon at the first signs of sea sickness can help
ease nausea thanks to the tannins contained in these items.
9) Tomatoes cure acne
Tomatoes have a lot of vitamins C and A, antioxidants and acidic content,
so they can be used to treat a variety of minor skin ailments. This cure is
especially good for oily skin. Mash one small tomato into a pulp, then
spread the pulp on your face and let it sit for one hour. Wash it off with
tepid water and pat dry. Repeat once a day for a week.
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