Don't eat chowmein, it leads to rape, says Haryana khap leader
Please be updated that this is not a work of fiction but yet another extremely strong **** that "It Happens Only in India", this is not my writeup in total but an article halfway captured from a leading news/mag website:
As one of the site stated:
Rapes are not caused by patriarchal notions of masculinity. Nor is the objectification of women as property or as symbols of honour the reason why rapes happen. Then why the growing incidence of this horrific crime?
A Haryana Khap leader has come up with his own novel explanation, where he lays the blame squarely on..."Chowmein".
"To my understanding, consumption of fast food contributes to such incidents. Chowmein leads to hormonal imbalance evoking an urge to indulge in such acts," Jitender Chhatar, a resident of Jind's Chhatar village and khap panchayat leader, was quoted as saying to a media website.
"You also know the impact of chowmein, which is a spicy food, on our body. Hence, our elders also advised to consume light and nutritious food," said Chhatar expounding on his theory. The Khap leader also said that cultural changes, growing obscenity in movies, explicit music and the fast food trend is eroding cultural values.
And the humble chowmein was not the only object of his ire. According to Chhatar, burgers and pizzas are equally culpable in causing rapes. The rationale being that if people adopt a simple lifestyle, it will consequently bring down the number of rape cases in the state and country.
Haryana khaps have been on a roll ever since the growing hue and cry over the increasing incidences of crimes against women in the state. Recently, another bunch of Khap panchayats had recommended lowering the marriagable age of girls to 15-16 years to prevent rapes.
Read more at:
Wowee, man indeed this is amazing and we rate India as one of the emerging leaders, with the top notch corporates and brands, I mean man what the crap, where is the mindset of these people, I just fail to understand, so my dear ladies (No Offences please) next time you feel the hunger you can get it home delivered in 30 minutes through I guess as this guy has said, and indeed you may perhaps satisfy using sites like and probably next time you go out guess what keeping this though in mind would apply for Yo China!! to be??? and indeed you indeed should guess what a lounge is that serves Hot Chowmein in multiple flavors!!!! oh yess and indeed our good old Pizza Hut, I dunno what all can be made out of it........ Oh yeah and if its your birthday the guys at Pizza Hut also make you lick an ice cream and dance for you, Now think differently as told by our honorable leader..............
So what next, when you are roaming around in this particular state, or better perhaps me and my dada who is currently upset wid me are eating chowmein across the street our office and suddenly a Police PCR screeches to a halt near us with cops jumping out, the next minute we are handcuffed and being taken away, for what reason, we were eating chowmein and may be possible "RAPISTS", hmmm imaginations can be wild.....
A khap panchayat in Haryana's Jind district has blamed consumption of chowmein behind the growing incidents of rapes in the state saying it leads to hormonal imbalance.
As one of the site stated:
Rapes are not caused by patriarchal notions of masculinity. Nor is the objectification of women as property or as symbols of honour the reason why rapes happen. Then why the growing incidence of this horrific crime?
A Haryana Khap leader has come up with his own novel explanation, where he lays the blame squarely on..."Chowmein".
"To my understanding, consumption of fast food contributes to such incidents. Chowmein leads to hormonal imbalance evoking an urge to indulge in such acts," Jitender Chhatar, a resident of Jind's Chhatar village and khap panchayat leader, was quoted as saying to a media website.
Haryana khaps have been on a roll ever since the growing hue and cry over the increasing incidences of crimes against women in the state.
"You also know the impact of chowmein, which is a spicy food, on our body. Hence, our elders also advised to consume light and nutritious food," said Chhatar expounding on his theory. The Khap leader also said that cultural changes, growing obscenity in movies, explicit music and the fast food trend is eroding cultural values.
And the humble chowmein was not the only object of his ire. According to Chhatar, burgers and pizzas are equally culpable in causing rapes. The rationale being that if people adopt a simple lifestyle, it will consequently bring down the number of rape cases in the state and country.
Haryana khaps have been on a roll ever since the growing hue and cry over the increasing incidences of crimes against women in the state. Recently, another bunch of Khap panchayats had recommended lowering the marriagable age of girls to 15-16 years to prevent rapes.
As stated in my favorite Times of India :
CHANDIGARH: A khap panchayat in Haryana's Jind district has blamed consumption of chowmein behind the growing incidents ofrapes in the state saying it leads to hormonal imbalance.
"To my understanding, consumption of fast food contributes to such incidents. Chowmein leads to hormonal imbalance evoking an urge to indulge in such acts," said Jitender Chhatar, a resident of Jind's Chhatar village and thua khap panchayat leader.
"You also know the impact of chowmein, which is a spicy food, on our body. Hence, our elders also advised to consume light and nutritious food," Chhatar added.
Last week, khap panchayats had evoked outrage after Sube Singh, a khap leader, advocated lowering of age of marriage for girls from 18 years to 16 years on the grounds that young girls are vulnerable to rapes and should be married off earlier.
Om Prakash Chautala, leader of Opposition, too backed the khaps' demand while Congress leaders including Haryana congress chief Phool Chand Mullana and education minister Geeta Bhukkal had stated that growing rape cases were a conspiracy against the state government.
Dharamvir Goyat, another Congress leader, had sparked off a controversy by saying that 90% of the rape cases were consensual.
Former minister and Congress MLA Sampat Singh said on Monday that "lack of intellectual growth" was the reason behind rising crime against women.
"People might have prospered but have not become mature enough to understand their responsibilities towards society and in some cases towards their families even. Generally, families hardly monitor the activities of their children, especially the sons, who are later found to be involved in such acts," said Sampat.
"To my understanding, consumption of fast food contributes to such incidents. Chowmein leads to hormonal imbalance evoking an urge to indulge in such acts," said Jitender Chhatar, a resident of Jind's Chhatar village and thua khap panchayat leader.
"You also know the impact of chowmein, which is a spicy food, on our body. Hence, our elders also advised to consume light and nutritious food," Chhatar added.
Last week, khap panchayats had evoked outrage after Sube Singh, a khap leader, advocated lowering of age of marriage for girls from 18 years to 16 years on the grounds that young girls are vulnerable to rapes and should be married off earlier.
Om Prakash Chautala, leader of Opposition, too backed the khaps' demand while Congress leaders including Haryana congress chief Phool Chand Mullana and education minister Geeta Bhukkal had stated that growing rape cases were a conspiracy against the state government.
Dharamvir Goyat, another Congress leader, had sparked off a controversy by saying that 90% of the rape cases were consensual.
Former minister and Congress MLA Sampat Singh said on Monday that "lack of intellectual growth" was the reason behind rising crime against women.
"People might have prospered but have not become mature enough to understand their responsibilities towards society and in some cases towards their families even. Generally, families hardly monitor the activities of their children, especially the sons, who are later found to be involved in such acts," said Sampat.
Read more at:
Wowee, man indeed this is amazing and we rate India as one of the emerging leaders, with the top notch corporates and brands, I mean man what the crap, where is the mindset of these people, I just fail to understand, so my dear ladies (No Offences please) next time you feel the hunger you can get it home delivered in 30 minutes through I guess as this guy has said, and indeed you may perhaps satisfy using sites like and probably next time you go out guess what keeping this though in mind would apply for Yo China!! to be??? and indeed you indeed should guess what a lounge is that serves Hot Chowmein in multiple flavors!!!! oh yess and indeed our good old Pizza Hut, I dunno what all can be made out of it........ Oh yeah and if its your birthday the guys at Pizza Hut also make you lick an ice cream and dance for you, Now think differently as told by our honorable leader..............
I wonder what Hakka noodles would be???? and what their impact is, guess about manchurians and momos, and burgers and yes indeed my not so favorite Mc a Do Do (MC Donalds) so what are all these places????? are they legalised ***** centres and are we even a step ahead than the Great Britain in *** services???????????
I had heard a saying in school days "If the rape is Inevitable, spread your legs", now with the dear ministers statement, hmm I guess this also needs to be rethought, something like probably "Home Delivered Hot & Fresh " or perhaps " *** ki home delivery"
So what next, when you are roaming around in this particular state, or better perhaps me and my dada who is currently upset wid me are eating chowmein across the street our office and suddenly a Police PCR screeches to a halt near us with cops jumping out, the next minute we are handcuffed and being taken away, for what reason, we were eating chowmein and may be possible "RAPISTS", hmmm imaginations can be wild.....
So perhaps next time you think of fast food think of ****
Man indeed if you are unable to control something, for these guys, the best way out is to divert the entire discussion in a haywire argument, blaming something on other thing which indeed has absolutely nothing at all to do with it!!!!!!!!!!
I write this blog not with the intent to harm, mutilate, hurt any individual, community or business, however as I say always, its just my crappy head doing the crap, and at times it feels funny!!!!!!!!
To end this, the only thing I would like to say for a person with that mindset is :
Roses are red, violets are blue, I have 5 fingers, the 3rd ones for you! 
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