Haste Raho Message

 Thought for the Day

                                                          Haste Raho

"Why do you like babies?", I asked my core team and I got answers like , " They are cute." "They are fearless." "They are a symbol of love." All the answers were right but they missed out on the most important reason and that was that kids smile a lot. They smile 400 times a day. While on an average, the adult smiles only 15 times per day.    
Smile helps us to reduce depression, stress and balances blood pressure and more than anything it puts us in a happy state of mind. In such a state one can make better decisions and think of strategies to increase business, etc.  
The mind does not know the difference between a fake and a real smile. Whenever you smile oxytocin and serotnin (happiness hormones) are released; they are also released while eating chocolates, spending times with friends, getting a promotion or good grades or when you give a hug. So practice smiling; have a small smile on your face while watching tv, driving, using facebook, using the laptop -- and feel the difference. Stay Unstoppable and Keep Smiling till it becomes a habit :) Fake it till you make it.  


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