Hunger for My Love
You are answer to my hunger
And hunger for my love
Rooting me to reality
Cloaking from above
You are muse for the artist
And art for my soul
Reason for my strife
Bounty of my goal
You are the fuel for my passion
And passion for my dreams
My yearning for romance
Quenched - so it seems
I asked for a rose
I got a whole bouqet
Life gave me you, when
Love is all I prayed
for the mismatch to Lone,
For its withheld,
And, yet again,
Unknowingly concurrent.....
Seek, what I desire,
Again for its a never ending seek
For I Seek and Seek
Seek till I breathe
For am a human
Not my lines except the last para, thanks IC for the wonderful post,
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