Lake Sorvagsvatn

Lake Sorvagsvatn

Sørvágsvatn (Leitisvatn) is the biggest lake of the Faroe Islands. It is situated on the island of Vágar between the municipalities of Sørvágs Kommuna and Miðvágs kommuna. The name Sørvágsvatn means 'The lake of Sørvágur'. In size it is 3.4 km2, more than three times the size of the second biggest lake Fjallavatn, which also lies on the island of Vágar.
Among the locals there can sometimes be a fierce debate regarding the name of the lake. The inhabitants of Sørvágur take pride in the fact that the lake is named after their village.

On the other hand, the inhabitants of Miðvágur want to name the lake Leitisvatn, since, on their side of the lake, the land alongside the body of water is called Leiti. 04 more images after the break...


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