1. Women are naturally intuitive while men are rational. Everything has to make logical sense to men. Intuition may not always be right, your wife may not be able to logically explain why she is recommending or suggesting certain things to you, but do not discard what she says. So learn to LISTEN to your wife.

2. You have to protect your territory as a man. Men are territorial in nature and in this context, your territory is your wife. Protect her, don't leave her unguarded and tend to her needs.

3. If you are a lady, your husband is not "another lady". If you are a man, your wife is not "another man". Don't relate with your spouse like you are talking with your fellow gender. Your wife is not "your guy". 

4. When your wife is speaking, sometimes she's not asking for your solution. She just wants to talk. So don't cut her off while she's conversing with you, just enjoy the conversation. 

5. If you are a man and you are not spiritual, you are in a dangerous place. Don't leave all the praying and 'spirituality' to your wives alone. You would make more progress in your family when both of you prioritize the precepts of God in your home.

Stay blessed ❣️


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