1.  Love the person you married, not the person you hoped you married. Accept your spouse totally. You cannot love a man/woman you do not accept. Stop comparing your spouse with anyone, he or she can never be somebody else. Until you accept your spouse, you can't get the best out of your marriage

2. Understand each other. No marriage succeeds without understanding. Learn to know one another as best as you can. Understand you are not the same and may never be. Respect that you are both individuals. Get to know each other strengths and weaknesses. Strengthen each other's weaknesses.

3.  Be quick to forgive and quicker to apologize. Love forgives. Learn to accept apology. Freely forgive your spouse's past, present and future offenses. Never refer to his/her past mistakes. Never go to bed with anger or unsettled quarrel. Marriage is two forgivers living together.

4. Ask your spouse, "What can I do for you today?" every single day. 

5. Never talk bad about your spouse to other people. Protect him or her and always keep his or her name safe. Fight for each other, not with each other.

6.  Have lots of sex. Enjoy Sex with your spouse.  Never withhold sex as a punishment.

7. Keep the word "divorce" out of your vocabulary. Remember your vows. Review them on a regular basis.

8. Provide for the needs of your spouse and children. Never be stingy to your spouse. Care for his/her needs. Be generous to him/her. Pay your children's school fees promptly and regularly.  Marriage is not 50/50. It's 100/100. Give yourself entirely, and don't hold back. Men, Be sensitive to your wife's needs. Spend money to beautify her. 

9. Be faithful to your spouse. Being unfaithful is the easiest way to completely ruin your marriage. Adultery kills. 

10. Understand and learn each other's love language. Either it can be words, gifts, touch, actions, etc. If it is words, then frequently tell your spouse you love and appreciate him/ her.
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