As a Wife, Your BEAUTY attracts your husband, but your WISDOM will continue to keep him! 

Your ELEGANCE catches his ATTENTION, but your INTELLIGENCE convinces him! 

NAGGING irritates your husband, but your "Constructive Silence" weakens him! 

Remember that the "boyish" character in your husband comes out occasionally, But your ability to always handle it, is a sign that you are a MATURED WIFE! 

Every man has "Secret Struggles and Pains, including your husband, if you should ever find them out from him, Please exhibit the greatest maturity by asking the Originator of your marriage, (THE HOLY SPIRIT) to help you with USEFUL IDEAS, that you will suggest to him (your husband)! 

In the long-run, your WORDS matters to your husband than your "LOOKS"! So always invest the RIGHT WORDS! 

Earn your husband's respect and he will consider you as the yard-stick for all his actions! 

Learn to mould your husband's moods, and he will naturally give you his "FUTURE" as he recalls your maturity in the past issues! 

Remember : WOMEN are everywhere, but REAL WIVES are scarce, let the QUEEN in you come alive, and your husband will always hold you in a very HIGH ESTEEM! 

Together we will make the BEST MARRIAGES in our society at large. May the GRACE of GOD bless us all!

Cheers 🥂🥂🥂


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